1) Physics
For many centuries, Aristotle's Physics was the essential starting point for anyone who wished to study the natural sciences. Aristotle deals with many abstract ideas in this book, examining the phenomenon of being, space, motion, matter, time, infinity, magnitude, and more. This book is basically an explanation on how the universe works--as Aristotle understood it. It's not so much a straight forward philosophical text as it is a sort of compendium...
2) Metaphysics
Aristotle's Metaphysics was the first major study of the subject of metaphysics - in other words, an inquiry into 'first philosophy', or 'wisdom'. It differs from Physics, which is concerned with the natural world: things which are subject to the laws of nature, things that move and change, are measurable. In Metaphysics, the study falls on 'being qua being' - being insofar as it is being; the causes and principles of being, the causes and principles...
3) Topics
This foundational work systematically examines the methods of constructing and deconstructing arguments, offering a comprehensive guide to the nuanced techniques of debate. Aristotle delves into the nature of premises, syllogisms, and varied forms of disputation, providing timeless insights into logical discourse. Essential reading for philosophers, logicians, and anyone seeking to sharpen their critical thinking skills.
On the Heavens is a treatise written by Aristotle in which he explores the nature and motion of the celestial bodies. In this work, Aristotle argues that the heavens are eternal, unchanging, and composed of a fifth element called aether. He distinguishes between the sublunary world, which is subject to change and decay, and the celestial realm, which is perfect and immutable. On the Heavens is a significant work in the history of astronomy and natural...
In his work On Interpretation, Aristotle seeks to uncover the underlying principles of language and meaning. He begins by examining the nature of signs and symbols, and how they are used to communicate information. He then goes on to explore the relationship between language and reality, and how our understanding of words is shaped by our experience of the world. Ultimately, Aristotle concludes that language is a tool for understanding reality, and...
Aristotle's "On Life and Death" is a work that explores the concepts of life and death from a philosophical perspective. In this work, Aristotle seeks to understand what life and death are, and why they exist. He also delves into the nature of human beings and how they relate to these two concepts. Ultimately, Aristotle concludes that life and death are natural processes that all things must experience. Read in English, unabridged.
On Sense and the Sensible by Aristotle is a philosophical text that discusses the nature of sensation and how it relates to knowledge. Aristotle argues that the senses are the foundation of all knowledge, and that the sensible world is the only true reality. He also contends that the intellect is not capable of grasping abstract concepts without the aid of the senses. Read in English, unabridged.
"The Athenian Constitution" by Aristotle is a treatise on the ancient Greek city-state of Athens and its political structure. In the work, Aristotle examines the historical development of the Athenian government, the functions of its various institutions, and the role of its citizens in the decision-making process. Aristotle divides the Athenian government into three main types: monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. He argues that the Athenian government...
"On Sophistical Refutations" is a treatise by Aristotle that explores the nature of fallacious reasoning and how it can be identified and refuted. In this work, Aristotle presents a systematic approach to detecting and exposing errors in argumentation, particularly those that rely on equivocation or ambiguity in language. He examines a variety of sophistical arguments, including those based on language, form, and logical fallacies, and offers practical...
In his work On Memory and Reminiscence, Aristotle explores the nature of memory and how it works. He differentiates between two types of memory: active and passive. Active memory is when we actively recall something, while passive memory is when we remember something without consciously trying to do so. Aristotle also discusses the role of reminiscence in our lives, arguing that it helps us to understand the world and ourselves better. Read in English,...
This profound exploration delves into the nature of human societies, governance, and the pursuit of the good life. Aristotle meticulously analyzes various political systems, the role of citizens, and the virtues necessary for a just society. Essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the principles underpinning modern political theory and the quest for justice.
12) On Dreams
In his treatise On Dreams, Aristotle offers a detailed analysis of the phenomenon of dreaming. He begins by outlining the different types of dreams that people experience, before going on to explore the causes and purposes of dreaming. Aristotle's account of dreaming is both nuanced and insightful, offering a rich understanding of this common human experience. His work remains relevant today, as it provides a valuable perspective on the nature of...
Alumno del gran Platón, maestro de Alejandro Magno, Aristóteles es una figura muy influyente en la filosofía occidental. Cicerón describió su estilo literario como "un río de oro". La ética moderna se basa en sus ideas sobre la virtud; sus escritos abarcan literalmente todo el conocimiento científico de la época y más allá, tanto que muchos de sus hallazgos se consideraron todavía de vanguardia muchos siglos después. Aristóteles también...
"On the Parts of Animals" is a biological treatise written by Aristotle, in which he extensively examines the anatomy and physiology of different animals, including humans. The book is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different aspect of animal life. In the first section, Aristotle explores the concept of soul and distinguishes between different types of souls that exist in animals. In the second section, he discusses the structure and...
"On the Motion of Animals" is a scientific work by Aristotle that explores the principles of motion in living beings. In this treatise, Aristotle observes and analyzes the movements of various animals, from insects to humans, in order to understand the mechanics of motion and the physiological and psychological factors that drive it. Aristotle begins by examining the different types of motion, including natural, violent, and voluntary, and how they...
La Poétique est un ouvrage d'Aristote portant sur l'art poétique et plus particulièrement sur les notions de tragédie, d'épopée et d'imitation. Probablement rédigé autour de 335 av. J-C, il a influencé la réflexion occidentale sur l'art pendant des siècles et suscité de nombreux débats. Plusieurs allusions au fil du texte suggèrent que la Poétique est incomplète, plusieurs études, notamment sur la comédie, auraient été perdues.
Aristotle's Poetics is best known for its definitions and analyses of tragedy and comedy, but it also applies to truth and beauty as they are manifested in the other arts. In our age, when the natural and social sciences have dominated the quest for truth, it is helpful to consider why Aristotle claimed poetry is more philosophical and more significant than history. Like so many other works by Aristotle, the Poetics has dominated the way we have thought...
18) Poetics/Rhetoric
The Art of Rhetoric, a guide on the principles behind oratorical skill, is a core text on the art of persuasion. Aristotle contends that rhetoric is one of the key elements of philosophy – along with logic and dialectic. The work consists of three books: the first is a general overview, the second concerns the means of persuasion that an orator must deploy, and the third discusses elements of style and arrangement. This recording also includes The...
19) Ethics
Ethics is a philosophical work written by Aristotle, in which he explores the nature of human morality and virtue. In this work, Aristotle seeks to identify the highest good for human beings and determine how individuals can live a good life. Aristotle argues that the ultimate goal of human life is to achieve happiness or eudaimonia, which he defines as a state of complete well-being and fulfillment. He believes that happiness is achieved through...
Aristotle's On Sleep and Sleeplessness is a treatise on the nature of sleep and wakefulness. In it, Aristotle discusses the various causes of sleep and wakefulness, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each. He also offers some practical advice on how to achieve a good night's sleep. Read in English, unabridged.