Denis Daly
New from Duke Classics, Kahlil Gibran's Sand and Foam is a collection of philosophical thoughts, musings, and inspirational words that explore the meaning of life and the world around us. Although a quick read, Gibran's poetic words will encourage readers to slow down and reflect afterwards.
Chamber Music
by James Joyce
Narrated by Denis Daly
This collection of 36 short poems was published in 1907.
The title is alleged to be an ironic pun referring cryptically to the sound of urine striking the sides of a chamber pot. However, the poems have no touch of vulgarity or bawdiness.
The collection received favorable critical comments from Ezra Pound and W. B. Yeats.
Joyce later commented on the poems: "When I wrote Chamber Music, I was...
In the early twentieth century, it was often said that "Australia rides on the sheep's back", a reflection of the nation's dependence on the wool trade. Accordingly, a vast itinerant army of labourers was required to shear the sheep and prepare fleeces for market. In this essay, Rolf Boldrewood provides a vivid picture of the shearing season on a large property.
4) The Dharma
Paul Carus (1852-1919) was a scholar, translator, and researcher into comparative religion. He was a prolific author, producing works on philosophy, mathematics, and science as well as translations of major Chinese and Japanese spiritual classics.
Carus was a pioneer in the promotion of inter-religious dialogue and was a speaker at the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, in 1893.
Although he refused to ally himself with a specific religious...
Fairies and Fusiliers
By Robert Graves
Narrated by Denis Daly
Poet, soldier, novelist, translator and critic Robert Graves (1895 - 1985) was deeply familiar with both war and death. Three times during his life Graves was considered to be on the point of death due to serious illness. One of these was after his participation in the Battle of the Somme, after which he had been actually pronounced dead due to severe wounding.
Graves enlisted as soon...
6) Beethoven
Amongst all the figures in the history of Western art forms, Beethoven is one of the most radical and influential. Not only did he produce some of the most celebrated and recognizable music of all time, but his influence dramatically accelerated the development of musical composition. He was instrumental in raising the status of the composer from that of a court servant to one of an independent artist.
Much has been written on Beethoven, including...
This book is a critical analysis of religion in general and Islam in particular. It covers some common misconceptions about Islam that both Muslims and non-Muslims have.
The book starts with a little introduction of the author - how and why he became an ex-Muslim - and it is followed up with the importance of writing the book. The first chapter covers the importance of critical sense over common sense and how we should always invoke critical thinking...
William Wordsworth belonged to a chosen band of poets for whom poetry was a priesthood, which is displayed by his unerring devotion to his art. He nourished his unique poetic gift by daily intimacy with Nature. It is Wordworth's peculiar achievement to reveal the impulses at work behind the outward beauty of Nature, and to manifest its sustaining influence upon the spirit of man.
The 41 poems in this collection cover a range of subjects but all reflect...
This collection contains miscellaneous notes and fragments found after the death of Baudelaire. They reveal in miniature the many and varied aspects of the moral and intellectual life of the author.
Included are reflections not only on poetry, but also on painting and music, displaying Baudelaire's finely-honed critical instincts.
Short Poems of John Milton
With a preface by Samuel Thurber
Narrated by Denis Daly
While the issues of the day that consumed the attention of scholar, accomplished linguist, politician and severe Puritan, John Milton (1608 - 1674) are now largely of historical interest, the verse which they inspired remains a staple of English literature. Although he is best known today for his poetic epics, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Milton was also...
Unlike his more famous fellow war poets, Wilfred Owen and Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon survived the First World War. In this collection of 64 poems, first published in 1920, Sassoon portrays the dehumanizing horror of modern warfare with its staggering death toll, while also satiring the jingoistic fervour of politicians and armchair strategists.
Sassoon's own war service fell into two distinct periods. The first was marked by a number of heroic...
William Wordsworth composed hundreds of sonnets, among which are some of his best-known poems. The sonnet form particularly suited Wordsworth, enabling the poet to encapsulate the beauties of mundane life in language of appealing directness and simplicity.
This recording contains 122 poems, ranging across many decades of Wordsworth's writing career.
The Castle of Indolence was published early in the summer of 1748, four months after the poet's death. The work was a slow and leisurely composition, which took nearly fifteen years to complete.
The poem consists of 158 stanzas, divided into two cantos. It is presented as an allegory and was professedly written in imitation of The Faerie Queene.
The origin of the poem appears to be the frequent remonstrances of Thomson's friends about the poet's...
This enigmatic scripture is attributed to the mysterious sage Lao Tze, who is believed to have lived in the sixth century BCE. In the present translation by religious scholar Paul Carus, the title is presented as The Canon of Reason and Virtue, and in the body of the text Carus renders the word usually translated as "Tao" as "reason."
This book is an extract from the author's larger work, Lao-Tze's Tao Teh King. The latter contained an historical...
E. Clerihew Bentley is credited with the invention of the 'clerihew', or humorous verse aphorism, on biographical subjects.
This collection, which was illustrated by G. K Chesterton, contains thirty-nine irregular quatrains on historical and contemporary celebrities, starting with Sir Christopher Wren and concluding with the publisher, T. Werner Laurie.
Zen Buddhism and Its Relation to Art, written by Arthur Waley, explores the profound influence of Zen philosophy on the artistic traditions of East Asia. Waley delves into the spiritual and aesthetic principles of Zen Buddhism, demonstrating how they are reflected in various forms of art, including painting, calligraphy, and architecture. Through a thoughtful analysis of Zen teachings and key artistic works, Waley elucidates the connections between...
Instructions to his Son
By Sir Walter Raleigh
Narrated by Denis Daly
During his long internment in the Tower of London Elizabethan adventurer and statesman Sir Walter Raleigh (1552 - 1618) took time to compose this thoughtful homily to his son. It consists of ten short chapters dealing with a variety of important issues such as the choice of friends and a wife, the maintenance of a good reputation, the management of one's estate and wealth and...
18) The Dhammapada
Neither the date nor the authorship of the Dhammapada is known, but there is conclusive evidence that this monument of the Buddhist canon existed well before the Christian era. Many scholars agree in ascribing its utterances to Buddha himself, while others are of the opinion that it is a compilation made by Buddhist monks from various sources.
This classic religious text focuses on practical morality, which, if practiced earnestly and diligently,...
The four canonical gospels contain little information about the childhood of Jesus. To provide details of this period, a number of infancy gospels were composed in the second century, the text of this recording being one of the most notable. In this book, the sketchy infancy narrative of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke is embellished in great detail. The events of Jesus' boyhood days, richly garnished with tales of miraculous feats and the occasional...
This collection follows on from Australian Christmas Yarns Volume I and consists of ten stories by notable Australian author Mary Grant Bruce (1878-1958). These stories sketch challenges of landscape, relationship, loss and hope. This collection includes: A Coastwise Christmas Santa Claus, Helper Santa Claus, Junior Santa Claus, Mediator The Christmas Cook In Great Waters The Hammock A New Year's Dawn 1 A New Year's Dawn 2 A New Year's Dawn 3 Mary...