Julia Iredale
1) Amber & Clay
Pub. Date
"In a warlike land of wind and sunlight, "ringed by a restless sea," live Rhaskos and Melisto, spiritual twins with little in common beyond the violent and mysterious forces that dictate their lives. A Thracian slave in a Greek household, Rhaskos is as common as clay, a stable boy worth less than a donkey, much less a horse. Wrenched from his mother at a tender age, he nurtures in secret, aided by Socrates, his passions for art and philosophy. Melisto...
Twelve tales, twelve dangerous tales of mystery, magic, and rebellious hearts. Each twists like a spindle to reveal truths full of warning and triumph, truths that free hearts long kept tame, truths that explore life, and death. A prince has a surprising awakening. A beauty fights like a beast. A boy refuses to become prey. A path to happiness is lost, then found again. New York Times bestselling author Soman Chainani respins old stories into fresh...
Pub. Date
Physical Desc
324 : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
Doce cuentos, doce relatos peligrosos de misterio, magia y corazones rebeldes. Cada uno se retuerce como un huso para revelar verdades llenas de advertencias y triunfos, verdades que los corazones libres han dominado durante mucho tiempo, verdades que exploran la vida. y la muerte.