Jerome K Jerome
Tres hombres en una barca es un relato humorístico publicado en 1889, por el escritor inglés Jerome K. Jerome.
Tres amigos, George, Harris y el propio Jerome, deciden remontar el Támesis junto con Montmorency, el perro. Al hilo de sus aventuras y sus bromas, el lector se sumerge en la hermosa campiña inglesa en un relato donde el humor se combina sabiamente con el documental sobre viajes, pues se trata del libro del Támesis por excelencia, contado...
Was machen drei junge, hypochondrische Freunde samt einem neurotischen Foxterrier, wenn sie dem Wetter entfliehen wollen und wilde Abenteuer suchen?
Sie packen Blazer, Hut und Schlips ein und fahren in einem Ruderboot auf der Themse in die Wildnis hinauf.
Doch sie haben den Büchsenöffner vergessen, die Zahnbürste ist unauffindbar, und wenn sie einem Schild begegnen, auf dem steht "Achtung! Gefahr! Nicht hier entlang!", dann steuern sie schnurstracks...
Little might be thought of the purchase of a skeleton for use in a lab, but a prudent scientist would check its provenance - The departed wearer of those bones may yet have a score to settle.
The Man of Science is taken from the second volume of the Victorian Anthologies "Horror" series, featuring short stories by classic writers of the spooky, the scary and the supernatural. Guaranteed to give you the shivers, each collection includes familiar and...
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was an English writer and humorist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat. Other works include the essay collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow and Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Three Men on the Bummel, a sequel to Three Men in a Boat, and several other novels. Owing to bad investments in the local mining industry, Jerome's family fell into poverty and debt collectors visited often, an experience...
Pub. Date
Physical Desc
xxxi, 361 pages ; 20 cm.
When J. the narrator, George, Harris and Montmorency the dog set off on their hilarious misadventures, they can hardly predict the troubles that lie ahead with tow-ropes, unreliable weather-forecasts, imaginary illnesses, butter pats and tins of pineapple chunks.