Marie Lu
2) Wildcard
6) Steelstriker
7) Skyhunter
9) The evertree
10) Champion
He is a Legend.
She is a Prodigy.
Who will be Champion?
June and Day have sacrificed so much for the people of the Republic—and each other—and now their country is on the brink of a new existence. June is back in the good graces of the Republic, working...
11) The Rose Society
Once upon a time, a girl had a father, a prince, a society of friends. Then they betrayed her, and she destroyed them all.
Adelina Amouteru’s heart has suffered at the hands of both family and friends, turning her down the bitter path of revenge. Now known and feared as the White Wolf, she and her sister flee...
Para ellos, Warcross es mucho más que un juego, es un modo de vida.La obsesión comenzó hace unos años y ahora los seguidores de Warcross están dispersospor todo el mundo, algunos ansiosos por escapar de la realidad y otros, esperandohacer algún negocio. Emika Chen, una joven hacker, trabaja como cazarrecompensas persiguiendo a los jugadores de Warcrossque hacen apuestas ilegales. Pero el mundo de los cazadores es muy competitivo y sobreviviren
...13) Wildcard
HIDEO, es una amenaza para la humanidad.
EMIKA, debe detenerlo bajo cualquier precio.
ZERO, será su único aliado.
La suerte está echada y el premio será sobrevivir.
En esta explosiva secuela de
Warcross, Marie Lu entrega un
final adictivo que te atrapará
hasta la última página. Emika Chen apenas logró salir airosa del Campeonato Internacional de Warcross, y ha perdido a la persona en quien más confiaba.
Hideo tiene un plan
Before he was Batman, he was Bruce Wayne. A reckless boy willing to break the rules for a girl who may be his worst enemy.
The Nightwalkers are terrorizing Gotham City, and Bruce Wayne is next on their list. Bruce is turning eighteen...
16) Prodigy
After escaping from the Republic's stronghold, Day and June are on the run in Vegas when the country learns that their Elector Primo has died and his son has stepped in to take his place. They meet up with the rebel stronghold of the Patriots—a large organization straddling the line between the Republic and its warring...