Max Lucado
Bestselling author Max Lucado explains that if teens let God's grace change them, shape them, and strengthen them, their lives will never be the same.
Today's teens are being shaped by the pressures and disappointments of the world. But Max Lucado encourages them to take a close look at what can shape their hearts and their futures from the inside out—God's grace.
As Max explains, "God's grace has a drenching about it.
...Do you ever feel like Jesus couldn't possibly know what you are going through? He's the God of the universe after all! Does he really know your daily struggles? The good news is: he does.
For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything you have ever felt: weakness, weariness, sadness, rejection. His feet got tired and his head ached. He was tempted and his strength was tested. And you know why? Because in becoming human, Jesus
...We all pray. . . some. But wouldn't we like to pray better? Stronger? With more fire, faith and fervency?
We aren't the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only tutorial they ever requested. In Before Amen, New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado helps readers discover the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubters and confidence
...Jesus understands our lives because he was human too. He faced the same hardships and personal struggles that we encounter on a daily basis. He felt our deepest sadness and experienced our darkest solitude. Above all, Jesus gets us.
In Jesus' time, communities were deeply divided by bitter differences in religious beliefs, political positions, income inequality, legal status, and ethnic differences. But where was Jesus in
...We all fear that the depression will never lift, the disappointment will never stop, the pain will never leave. Here in the pits, surrounded by steep walls, we wonder if our gray skies will ever brighten. Though these unprecedented and challenging times may bring a load of uncertainty and fear that feels too heavy to bear, God gives us this promise: You'll Get Through This.
In You'll Get Through This, pastor and New York
...What if you could ask God anything? What would you ask, and how would He answer?
Chelsea Chambers is on her own. After a public split from her NFL superstar husband, Chelsea takes a bold step out of the limelight and behind the counter of the Higher Grounds Café, an old-fashioned coffee shop in dire need of reinvention. But when her courage, expert planning, and out-of-this-world cupcakes fail to pay the bills, this
...Fear may fill the world but does not have to fill your heart.
Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Layoffs at work. Slowdowns in the economy. Health scares. Division. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into the prison of our anxious minds and keeps us from the freedom Christ offers.
New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to turn to faith, not fear, as our default reaction to
...Rebosante de intemporales historias y citas que inspiran, este libro de Max Lucado sobre la paternidad es el regalo perfecto para mostrar a Papá lo mucho que él significa para la familia.
Los papás son un género único. Pueden ser fuertes y firmes, y a la vez comprensivos y amables. Puede que no estén al corriente de la lista de éxitos de los Top 40, pero conocen la palabra
...Join Max Lucado on a journey through the book of Esther as he reminds us that God need not be loud to be strong, he need not cast a shadow to be present...and he is active even when he appears distant.
This study was born in a hard season—a pandemic that locked down the world. Church doors closed. Students were stuck at home. Masks hid smiles. And as if this weren't enough, the ancient sin of racism and hatred seems
...Imagine a hope-filled tour of the Bible with the most beloved devotional writer of our time. The Devotional Bible brings together words of encouragement and the gentle wisdom of Max Lucado with the timeless Word of God.
Favorite inspirational writer Max Lucado has done more than revise and update the best-selling Inspirational Bible. Using the New Century Version, The Devotional Bible will be a staple for anyone who wants to draw closer
...Fear may fill the world but does not have to fill your heart.
Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Layoffs at work. Slowdowns in the economy. Health scares. Division. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into the prison of our anxious minds and keeps us from the freedom Christ offers.
New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to turn to faith, not fear, as our default reaction to