Martin Luther
A comprehensive explanation of Martin Luther's most crucial and controversial beliefs on salvation, The Bondage of the Will is a critical resource in understanding the theology of free will and the gift of faith. Facing criticism even from others who had disagreements with the Catholic church, Luther's strong and absolute beliefs on the gift of salvation were truly revolutionary. This work contains the full amount of research, discussion, and debate...
Many Christians find prayer challenging, despite it being a central component of their faith. "How should I pray?" "What if I am distracted?" "What if my prayers become repetitive and routine?" "What should I pray for?" These are all questions that a Christian may be concerned about.
When requested by his good friend Peter Beskendorf, a barber by trade, for some practical advice regarding how to pray, Luther replied by preparing this short paper,...
Martin Luther, full of compassion, grief, disappointment, and frustration, turns away from his entreaties to and debates with church leaders and writes instead to the German political leaders. With extreme clarity, Luther explains in this letter the unbalanced nature and habits of the religious institution - certain at this point that the German people could only be set free from this continual and escalating religious destruction through the intervention...
Martin Luther's Classic Work, Newly Translated by Robert Kolb
Originally published in 1520, The Freedom of a Christian is one of Martin Luther's most well-known and enduring treatises. In it, Luther examines Christian ethics and how justification by faith alone impacts the liberty of believers. He famously writes, "A Christian is a free lord of everything and subject to no one. A Christian is a willing servant of everything and subject to everyone."...
"Wenn ich Markus lese, liebe ich ihn, weil er nicht vollkommen ist. Für mich stolpert er durch seine eigenen Geschichten, in die er alles hinein trug, was er gefunden hatte. Er kommt ja auch nur auf sechzehn Kapitel. Markus ist der Echteste, der zeitlich am Nächsten dran war." (Jürgen Fliege)
Die Sonderveröffentlichung "Die Ostergeschichte" knüpft konzeptionell an den Aufbau des Hörbuchs "Die Weihnachtsgeschichte" an. Neben der Lesung der Ostertexte interpretiert Jürgen Fliege liebevoll wie hinterfragend die Ostergeschichte anhand seiner eigenen Erfahrungen, mit denen er dem Zuhörer Einblicke "zwischen die Zeilen" der Bibel eröffnet.
The third of Martin Luther's 1520 treatises, also referred to as A Treatise on Christian Liberty, this work focuses on the topics of justification and total salvation. Boldly, unmistakably, and directly contrasting the teachings of the church, Luther argued for the truth he found in studying the Bible on his own. Introducing, for the first time to many readers, the argument for justification through faith alone, he knocked down the idea of being dependent...
In this, one of Martin Luther's most impactful works, he brings together the similarities between the exile and captivity of the Israelites and the state of the Catholic church, in their destructive servitude to the papacy. He goes through each of the seven sacraments - questioning, analyzing, and applying the Biblical understandings he had reached. He rejects many of the practices, calling out the issues of control and misrepresentation of true Christian...
Help catechism students dig deeper. As readers learn Martin Luther's foundational teachings in the Small Catechism, this volume will encourage them to go further in their doctrinal knowledge by studying the Large Catechism.
Written by Luther in 1529, the Small and Large Catechisms provide a clear summary of God's Word on the essentials of the Christian faith. This edition combines the two catechisms and includes the woodcuts found in Concordia: The...
Recognizing Paul's words to the Galatians as crucial to understanding the truth of God's saving grace, Martin Luther set out to examine this great work verse by verse, especially for those led astray by the teachings of false gospels. All of Luther's writings, including this commentary, directly combat the direction of the Catholic church at the time that strove to portray salvation as a thing to be earned and then mediated through religious leaders....
14) Worte des Glaubens (Das Hohelied der Liebe / Das Johannes Evangelium / Das Buch Hiob) (Ungekürzte
Auf diesem Hörbuch: "Das Hohelied der Liebe", "Das Evangelieum des Johannes" und "Das Buch Hiob". Gelesen von Claudia Urbschat-Mingues, Christian Schmidt und Traugott Buhre.
The Freedom of the Christian was Martin Luther's first public defense of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith on account of Christ alone. Luther's explosive rediscovery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ shattered the Church of Rome's foundation of works, which considered good works a part of salvation instead of a result of it. Here, Luther constructed a rich theology that relies on the full power of the Gospel, which not only grants saving...
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Jude is a dock worker from Liverpool who travels to the United States in the 1960s to find his estranged father. There, he falls in love with sheltered American teenager Lucy. When her brother, Max, is drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, they become involved in peace activism.