Larry Niven
2) Ringworld
A special commemoration of this long‑running themed science fiction anthology edited by multiple #1 best seller, Larry Niven. Here is the 25th anniversary edition of the original volume that started it all. Includes an all‑new introduction by Larry Niven for this re‑issue of the first volume in a series that now numbers fourteen volumes and is still going strong.
Larry Niven's bestselling Man‑Kzin series begins! The kzin, formerly invincible
...Welcome to the hottest pocket in Larry Niven's Known Space: the time of the assault on pacifist humanity by berserker felinoids from the planet Kzin. This time humanity's representatives to the Warrior Race are Donald Kingsbury, Greg Bear, and Steve Stirling. As is traditional in this war for species survival, in all cases "monkey cleverness" (i.e., human cunning) is more than a match for felinoid ferocity. But as is also traditional, victory never
...THE POPULAR MAN-KZIN WARS SERIES ROARS BACK INTO ACTION! New stories of the war between humanity and the catlike Kzin from Brad R. Torgersen, Brendan DuBois, Martin L. Shoemaker, and more!
The predatory catlike warrior race known as the Kzin never had a hard time dealing with all those they encountered, conquering alien worlds with little effort. That is until they came face to face with the leaf-eaters known as humans. Small of stature and lacking
...6) Flatlander
Tough and deadly, Gil Hamilton could reach right into a person's brain for the truth . . . or for the kill!
Read all the stories of the legendary ARM operative, collected here in one volume...
Those war-crazed fur-balls from the planet Kzin just won't give up, even though the canny pseudo-pacifists from Planet Earth cut through the Kzinti like a laser through catmeat (once the humans rediscovered old technologies and old instincts that never quite bred out). The ferocious Kzinti never seemed to be able to come up with a more complicated strategy than "Scream and Leap."
But after three hard-fought wars, a few of the powerful pussycats
Once upon a time, in the very earliest days of interplanetary exploration, an unarmed human vessel was set upon by a warship from the planet Kzin, home of the fiercest warriors in Known Space. This was a fatal mistake for the Kzinti, of course; they learned the hard way that the reason humanity had decided to study war no more was that humans were so very, very good at it.
And thus began THE MAN-KZIN
...Unfortunately, a fiery fate isn't the only danger the town is facing. From out of the desert come monsters — great birds with blades instead of wings, driven by some unknown force....
Some twenty years have passed since the passengers and crew of the starship Geographic established a colony on the hostile alien world of Avalon. In that time, a new generation has grown up in the peace and serenity of the island paradise of Camelot, ignorant of the Great Grendel Wars fought between their parents and grandparents
...11) Man-Kzin Wars IX
It was so unfair! Here the Kzin were, warcats supreme, bringing the galaxy piece by piece under feline dominion, carving out satrapies for the home planet like the lords of creation that they were—and then they ran into those pesky humans. Mere apes! Contemptible salad-eaters! Taking pride in sneaking up on a leaf! Obviously fit only to be
A Kzin's instinctively combative responses make for poor diplomatic relations between species. But now that their "first you scream and then you leap" approach to interstellar relations have led to three straight losses to the hairless hominidae of Sol III, there has begun to arise in Kzinti consciousness the faintest glimmering that there may be a Better Way. And in the resulting calm between wars, humans and Kzin are beginning
...It's been twenty years since the quixotic and worlds-weary Louis Wu discovered the Ringworld. Now he and Speaker-to-Animals are going back, captives of the Hindmost, a deposed puppeteer leader.
With Louis' help, the Hindmost intends to regain his status by bringing back such extraordinary treasures from the Ringworld that his fellow puppeteers will have to be impressed. But when they arrive, Louis discovers that the Ringworld is no longer
...19) Fleet of worlds
Larry Niven teams up with fellow science fiction writer Edward M. Lerner to take a closer look at the events leading up to Niven's first Ringworld novel.
Kirsten Quinn-Kovacs is among the best and brightest of her people. She gratefully serves the gentle race that rescued her ancestors from a dying starship and nurtures them still. If only the Citizens knew where Kirsten's people came from!
A chain reaction of supernovae at the galaxy's
...20) Escape from hell
After being thrown out of the window of his luxury apartment, science fiction writer Allen Carpentier woke to find himself at the gates of Hell. Seeing a great opportunity for a book, he attempted to follow Dante's road map and trekked through the nine circles of Hell. Led by Benito Mussolini, he encountered countless mental and physical tortures.
Allan Carpentier escaped from Hell once, but he remained haunted by what he saw and