Falcon Press
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Joshua Foer's Moonwalking with Einstein
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) Nowadays, we are relentlessly and endlessly bombarded with new information. There's always much to remember, yet our brains capture so little of that information. Even the stuff that's worth remembering often makes only a short-lived impression on us before disappearing forever.
2) Education has been tainted by the boring tradition of rote learning....
Buy now to get the Key Takeaways from Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) We all experience feelings of inferiority which we carry with us from childhood into adulthood. The first thing you need to do to get over this inferiority complex is figure out where it stems from, perhaps with the aid of a counselor.
2) Always remember that God is on your side. With him, everything is possible, even if you don't...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) The definition of an investment is clear: it's an operation which, after careful analysis, promises safety of principal and adequate returns.
2) There are three parts to the process of investing. First, before buying a stock, you must make a thorough analysis of a company and the soundness of its underlying businesses. Second, you need to protect...
Buy now to get the main key ideas from Jon Gordon's The Energy Bus
Positive people and positive teams manifest positive outcomes. The key ingredient? Positive energy.
In The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy (2007), Jon Gordon explains how to cultivate positive energy in your life and career, which you then can share with your coworkers, customers, organization, team, friends, and family. Gordon uses the...
Summary of Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit is a thorough examination of several case studies about how habit formation and habit change impact daily life. It details the experiences of individuals, corporations, and organizations to illustrate how habits are made and why, how they can be changed, how habits of all kinds are used in businesses to attract customers or manage employees, and the devastating results of a poorly managed habit…
Summary of Steven C. Hayes & Spencer Smith's Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life is a self-help book that encourages people to detach from the causes of suffering, embrace their psychological pain, identify their values, and take action toward those values. The process is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), an evidence-based therapy that focuses on techniques of mindfulness, acceptance, and values-centric living...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Elie Wiesel's Night.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) Author and narrator Eliezer Wiesel, who was twelve when the story begins in 1941, was a Jewish boy living with his family in a small town named Sighet, in what we now know as Romania.
2) In 1942, during World War II, the local authorities decided to kick out all Jews who were foreign from Sighet. They were packed into trains and sent off. The other inhabitants of...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Rhonda Byrne's The Greatest Secret.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) The greatest secret to living a stress-free and endlessly happy life has always been right in front of us. It has been told countless times in every single religion, and yet very few people know what it is. The secret is that we've mistaken our own identities.
2) We may search for happiness in materialistic things, but like the items themselves, the...
Summary of Chris Guillebeau's The $100 Startup demonstrates how creative individuals can monetize their passions and attain independence from traditional employment. Author Chris Guillebeau argues that solo entrepreneurs can use their skills and personal interests to build a high income even when they only have a paltry amount of startup capital…
Summary of Dick Morris & Eileen McGann's Armageddon is an attack on 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and an enthusiastic endorsement of Republican nominee Donald Trump. The book argues that Clinton is corrupt and will destroy the country if elected. By contrast, Trump is a strong, brave, noble politician.
Summary of Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, & Al Switzer's Crucial Conversations is a nonfiction book that offers simple yet effective tools for engaging in productive, healthy dialogue, even in the most emotionally and politically charged situations. The authors, organizational performance researchers, set out to learn about what they call "crucial moments": times when people's actions disproportionately affect their organizations, their...
Summary of Jessica Knoll's Luckiest Girl Alive is a dark and gripping novel that reveals the traumatic past of TifAni FaNelli, a writer for a popular woman's magazine. This book shows how the strong desire to belong and to be liked makes people do things they would not ordinarily do.
Summary of Chris Anderson's TED Talks is a comprehensive handbook for learning the now-famous TED talk style. TED is a world-renowned conference series founded by Ricky Wurman and Harry Marks in 1984. The book provides tips, tricks, and practical advice to readers who wish to become proficient in delivering effective speeches. The skills described in the book can be applied to a work presentation in a small conference room or a lecture in front of...
Summary of Alan W. Watts's The Wisdom of Insecurity argues that the cause of human frustration and anxiety is people's inability to live fully in the present, and their futile quest for psychological security. Drawing on Eastern philosophy and religion, with an emphasis on Buddhism, Watts explores why humans are so dissatisfied and unhappy.
Buy now to get the main key ideas from Irvin D. Yalom's The Gift of Therapy
In The Gift of Therapy (2013), Irvin D. Yalom shares his extensive personal knowledge and perspective in the field of psychotherapy. Irvin offers important notes, tips, and tools for both established therapists and upcoming students in the field. He aims to help them achieve better results for their patients, while improving themselves, their process, and their profession...
Summary of David Perlmutter & Kristin Loberg's Brain Maker details the complex microbiome that lives in the human gut and how it affects the brain. Rising rates of Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), multiple sclerosis, autism, and other conditions are linked to imbalances in the thousands of microorganisms that colonize the gut, primarily bacteria. Disruptions to this microbiome can begin at birth for...
Buy now to get the main key ideas from Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations
Have you ever wondered what was the first book ever written about a certain subject? Well, Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations was the first book ever written about modern economics, all the way back in 1776.
The Wealth of Nations provides a comprehensive explanation of what creates countries' wealth. It's a foundational text in classical economics, with Adam Smith being considered...
Buy now to get the key takeaways from Steven Kotler's The Art of Impossible.
Sample Key Takeaways:
1) A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You need to start somewhere. Stalking the impossible means you need to start digging deep on a daily basis.
2) There is a formula for the impossible. When we see the seemingly impossible become possible, we are witnessing the culmination of a quartet of skills-motivation, learning, creativity, and...
Summary of Leo Galland & Jonathan Galland's The Allergy Solution is a self-help book for people who want to understand the root causes of allergies, how they manifest biologically, and how to heal them naturally without resorting to potentially harmful drugs. In his four decades as an internist, Leo Galland has healed a range of common allergic diseases, such as hay fever and eczema, as well as an increasing number of hidden allergies, which can result...
Buy now to get the main key ideas from Carol Leonnig's Zero Fail
We often forget that between the US president and all assailants stands a proud, largely unseen force. They protect democracy by defending the president. And, though the Secret Service has been known for its dedication and perfection in the face of unfathomable difficulties, it is now in grave danger.
Zero Fail (2021) follows the decline through decades, leadership changes, and game-changing...