Lee Sullivan
An all-new Rivers of London original comic series, written by Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel!
A police vehicle on a routine prison transfer in north London is stormed by Russian hoodlums seeking to free a very particular prisoner. Their target is a witch. A very powerful witch who doesn't want to be free. Things rapidly turn very ugly for the hoods and it's soon a job for full-time police constable and part-time wizard, Peter Grant.
Peter Grant looks look your average London police officer, but he is actually a part-time wizard in a very elite branch of the Metropolitan Police. It's his job to investigate those crimes that regular cops don't like to talk about because they often involve vampires or strange things in Underground tunnels.
Peter's latest case features a self-driving killer automobile, a Serbian refugee, the Most Haunted Car in England, a handsome drug dealer
...Peter Grant is one of only two members of a very special branch of London's Metropolitan Police. He is, in fact, pretty much a wizard and it's his job to investigate those shadowy crimes that involve urban vampires, weird folk in the underground and, in this case, why cars are suddenly taking on lives of their own and killing innocent folk!
Written by Doctor Who writer Ben Aaronovitch (Remembrance of the Daleks) and set in the world of his own