Elizabeth Carney
2) Ellis island
The first in a line of Animal Rescues chapter books, Dog Finds Lost Dolphins will be a tale you'll not soon forget. In this charm- ing and awe-inspiring story you'll meet Cloud, the black lab with a nose for rescue. She's the only dog certified to sniff out stranded dolphins. Cloud can sniff out a dolphin over a mile off the coast of the Florida Keys. She's even become friends with them, waiting on the dock for them to pop up and give her
...Chocolate or vanilla? Creamy peanut butter or crunchy? Cats or dogs? On some matters in life, every kid must take a stance. Ever since the first youngster in history had a pet, cats vs. dogs has been a hotly debated issue at recesses and lunch tables worldwide. Which one's better? Smarter? This reader presents the facts in fun and informative fashion. Kids will love the stimulating Level 3 text as they decide the answer to this question for themselves.
...5) Frogs
WHAT WAS THAT? That's the roaring burp of a bullfrog! SEE THAT? That's the slick, shiny skin of colorful little rainforest frogs! Alive with froggy facts, this book has the coolest photos to bring kids deep into the swampy world of our amphibian amigos. National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources. Visit natgeoed.org/commoncore for more information.
8) Bats
9) Wild cats
10) Bears
¿Chocolate o vainilla? ¿Dulce o salado? ¿Gatos o perros? Cuando de ciertos temas se trata, todo niño tiene sus preferencias. Desde que existen las mascotas, el debate entre tener un gato y tener un perro ha sonado fuerte durante los recreos y almuerzos en todos los colegios del mundo. ¿Cuál es mejor? ¿Cuál es más inteligente? Este libro presenta los hechos de manera divertida e informativa. A los niños les encantará leer este texto de