Rupert Sheldrake
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390 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
"In Science Set Free, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows the ways in which science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas that are not only limiting, but also dangerous for the future of humanity" -- Front jacket flap.
Sheldrake's theory of "morphic resonance," challenges some fundamental assumptions of established science. He offers a revolutionary alternative to the mechanistic worldview and points toward a new understanding of the nature of life, matter and mind. He suggests that the brain may be more like a tuning system than a recording device.
In the provocative concepts of morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance, we may indeed be more than the sum of our parts; we may have access to all that has gone before. Sheldrake, a biochemist, has postulated an extraordinary new theory that, if correct, could overturn our fundamental concepts about nature, brain function, and consciousness.
Further explorations into the revolutionary "hypothesis of formative causation" were put forth by British biochemist Rupert Sheldrake. Since its debut in 1981, Sheldrake's theory has sent large ripples through the scientific community and has inspired experimental testing that so far has tended to confirm the theory.
Have you wondered how your cat or dog seems to know when you're coming home? Sheldrake, one of the most innovative scientists of our time, believes that all self-organizing systems (including human society) have invisible fields within and around them which shape and mold their development. He calls them, "morphic fields" and gives ideas for experiments you can do at home.
British biologist Rupert Sheldrake asks questions that most scientists haven't thought of or have been discouraged from asking. He is best known for his morphic field theory, which explores aspects of reality that are unexplained in terms of current physics. In this talk, he proposes setting science free from its most constricting dogmas and unexamined assumptions. (Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book, but a presentation by Rupert Sheldrake...
How does modern physics parallel and transform the concept of angels? How did a split between science and spirit come about and how are the two being reconnected? What is the importance of wonder and awe in scientific study? The answers to these and many other questions are explored in this dynamic conversation between a scientist and a theologian/priest.