Part 1, Lecture 1. The dream, the brain, and the machine
Lecture 2. The mind-body problem
Lecture 3. Brains and minds, parts and wholes
Lecture 4. The inner theater
Lecture 5. Living in the material world
Lecture 6. A functional approach to the mind
Lecture 7. What is it about robots
Lecture 9. Self-identity and other minds
intentionality and evolution
Lecture 12. A mind in the world.
Part 2, Lecture 13. A history of smart machines
Lecture 14. Intelligence and IQ
Lecture 15. Artificial intelligence
Lecture 16. Brains and computers
Lecture 17. Attacks on artificial intelligence
Lecture 18. Do we have free will
Lecture 19. Seeing and believing
Lecture 20. Mysteries of color
Lecture 21. The hard problem of consciousness
Lecture 22. The conscious brain
Lecture 23. The HOT theory and antitheories
Lecture 24. What we know and what we don't know.