pt. 1. Sea-change. Sea-change ; Stuffed ; Running laps ; Dethroning the idol ; You put up the chairs ; The word that changed everything ; On disappointing people ; What the lake teaches
pt. 2. Tunnels. Tunnels ; Vinegar and oil ; A wide and holy space ; Daughter ; Yellow sky ; On stillness ; Stars
pt. 3. Legacy. Agency ; Legacy ; It's all right here ; The man in the tuxedo ; The spring of the basketball hoop ; When brave looks boring ; Present over perfect
pt. 4. Walking on water. Walking on water ; Baptism ; Must be nice ; Your mess is mine ; The narrowing ; Good fruit ; On Jesus
pt. 5. Living in time. Clearing away ; Learning to play ; Morning and evening ; Simplicity ; Happy medium ; On snow
pt. 6. Throwing candy. Throwing candy ; Essential self ; Heart and yes ; Ballard locks ; New fuel ; And the soul felt its worth ; Bring in the love.