A short digression on the pig; or, Why Heaven hates ham
A note on health, to which religion can be hazardous
The metaphysical claims of religion are false
Revelation: the nightmare of the "Old" Testament
The "New" Testament exceeds the evil of the "Old" one
The Koran is borrowed from both Jewish and Christian myths
The tawdriness of the miraculous and the decline of Hell
"The lowly stamp of their origin": religion's corrupt beginnings
A coda: how religions end
Does religion make people behave better?
There is no "Eastern" solution
Religion as an original sin
An objection anticipated: the last-ditch "case" against secularism
A finer tradition: the resistance of the rational
In conclusion: the need for a new enlightenment.
From the Large Print - 1st ed.
A short digression on the pig, or, Why Heaven hates ham
A note on health, to which religion can be hazardous
The metaphysical claims of religion are false
Revelation : the nightmare of the Old Testament
The New Testament exceeds the evil of the Old one
The Koran is borrowed from both Jewish and Christian myths
The tawdriness of the miraculous and the decline of Hell
"The lowly stamp of their origin" : religion's corrupt beginnings
A coda : how religions end
Does religion make people behave better?
There is no "Eastern" solution
Religion as an original sin
An objection anticipated : the last-ditch "case" against secularism
A finer tradition : the resistance of the rational
In conclusion : the need for a new Enlightenment.