Maker of all things, even healings --
There is a place beyond ambition --
Straight talk from Fox --
Visiting the graveyard --
With the blackest of inks --
River far away and long ago --
Percy and Books (eight) --
Winter and the Nuthatch --
From this river, when I was a child, I used to drink --
Watching a documentary about polar bears trying to survive on the melting ice floes --
We should be well prepared --
I ask Percy how I should live my life (Ten) --
Swimming, one day in August --
Mornings at Blackwater --
This day, and probably tomorrow also --
Meadowlark sings and I greet him in return --
In the evening, in the Pinewoods --
Eleven versions of the same poem: Am I lost? --
I don't want to live a small life --
Now comes the long blue cold --
If the philosopher is right --
There you were, and it was like spring --
What is the greatest gift? --
Red Bird explains himself.