Preface / by Kim Stafford
A story that could be true
A message from the wanderer
Traveling through the dark
You reading this, be ready
A ritual to read to each other
The little ways that encourage good fortune
A gesture toward an unfound Renaissance
At the un-national monument along the Canadian border
Watching the jet planes dive
"Shall we have that singing
The concealment: Ishi, the last wild Indian
For my young friends who are afraid
At the grave of my brother: bomber pilot
With Kit, age 7, at the beach
The farm on the Great Plains
At the Klamath berry festival
Spirit of place: great blue heron
The fish counter at Bonneville
Starting with little things
Things I learned last week
Reading with little sister: a recollection
The animal that drank up sound
Indian caves in the dry country
"Are you Mr. William Stafford?"