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As this young adult fantasy series continues, a princess must join forces with the king of the Enchanted Forest to find a missing dragon.
Cimorene, the princess who refuses to be proper, is back—but where is Kazul the dragon? That's what Cimorene is determined to find out! This updated edition features a new introduction by the author and fantastic new packaging.
“Wrede's tongue-in-cheek humor balances
...Long ago and far away . . .
There was a castle. But not just any castle. This was a castle that glittered and sparkled and rose majestically above the banks of the winding Winono River: the Castle Corona.
And in this castle lived a family. But not just any family. This was the family of King Guido: rich and royal and . . . spoiled. And King Guido was so spoiled that neither jewels nor gold nor splendid finery could please him, for
...7) Dragon spear
11) The wicked king
12) Reign
13) Empire of storms
15) Tower of dawn
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