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Bestselling author Barbara Ehrenreich explores how we are killing ourselves to live longer, not better. A razor-sharp polemic which offers an entirely new understanding of our bodies, ourselves, and our place in the universe, Natural Causes describes how we over-prepare and worry way too much about what is inevitable. One by one, Ehrenreich topples the shibboleths that guide our attempts to live a long, healthy life - from the importance of preventive...
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In Suicidal, Bering takes us through the science and psychology of suicide, revealing its cognitive secrets and the subtle tricks our minds play on us when we're easy emotional prey. Scientific studies, personal stories, and remarkable cross-species comparisons come together to help readers critically analyze their own doomsday thoughts while gaining broad insight into a problem that, tragically, will most likely touch all of us at some point in our...
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In this collection of essays, Solnit offers a timely commentary on gender and feminism. Her subjects include women who refuse to be silenced, misogynistic violence, the fragile masculinity of the literary canon, the recent history of rape jokes, and much more.
In 2014, after a brief orientation course and a few fingerprinting sessions, Nicholson Baker became an on-call substitute teacher in a Maine public school district. Nearly every morning, he awoke to the dispatcher's five-forty a.m. phone call and headed to a nearby school. When he got there, he did his best to follow lesson plans and help his students get something done. In Baker's hands, the inner life of the classroom is examined anew -- mundane...
Wir müssen zuhören, um zu begreifen. Und wir müssen uns die richtigen Fragen stellen und verstehen, was uns Angst macht. Dabei klar und sachlich aufklären und argumentieren. Das alles tut dieses Buch, das mit Dagmar Pauli eine Psychiaterin verfasst hat, an deren Klinik bereits vor 15 Jahren eine regelmäßige trans-Sprechstunde eingeführt wurde.
Die aktuelle und von den Medien aufgeputschte Debatte über die Rechte von trans Menschen wird polemisch...
Discover the inspiring story of William Lloyd Garrison, a young boy who grew up to become a powerful voice against slavery in America. This engaging biography for young children introduces Garrison's life, his newspaper 'The Liberator,' and his courageous fight for freedom and equality for all. Learn how one person's belief in what's right can make a big difference in the world.
Throughout history, secret societies have captivated the human imagination, their names whispered in shadowy corners, their rituals shrouded in secrecy. These clandestine groups, often operating in the hidden recesses of society, have been associated with the most significant events in world history, from political upheavals to revolutions. Despite the efforts of many to uncover their mysteries, much of what we know about them remains speculative,...
Wer in Muotathals Geschichte oder Lokalkultur stöbert, der kommt nicht an Kaplan Alois Gwerder vorbei. Jetzt hat er seine immense Sammel- und Forschertätigkeit mit einem Hörbuch "flätt-hüntsch-sauft" über die Muotathaler Mundart ergänzt.
In akribischer Feldforschung und Feinarbeit hat er in fünf Bänden die Liegenschaftsgeschichte der Gemeinden Muotathal und Illgau behandelt. Eine unglaublich wertvolle Arbeit, deren Bedeutung von Jahrzehnt...
12 Urban Legends: Unveiling the Truth Behind Modern Myths delves into the mysterious and often chilling tales that have woven themselves into the fabric of contemporary culture. Written in the investigative and compelling style reminiscent of Vincent Bugliosi, this book explores twelve of the most enduring urban legends that continue to captivate and unsettle us.
Each chapter examines a different legend, from the ghostly Vanishing Hitchhiker on desolate...
Wie wollen und werden wir zukünftig arbeiten? Die tradierten Modelle funktionieren nicht mehr: Während die einen von ihrer Erwerbsarbeit kaum leben können, leiden viele Bereiche unter Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel. Arbeit ist zudem eine Frage der Solidarität: Der Applaus für "systemrelevante Berufe" war von kurzer Dauer, die Care-Arbeit - vor allem von Frauen - hält das System am Laufen, wird aber weder angemessen entlohnt noch gesellschaftlich...
Desde las entrañas mismas del imperio yanqui surge una voz que arremete sin piedad contra la autocomplacencia y la estupidez que, día a día, se apoderan inexorablemente de los ciudadanos estadounidenses. Morris Berman es quien profiere esta devastadora crítica. Sin embargo, El crepúsculo de la cultura americana representa también un lamento por los buenos tiempos pasados, cuando Estados Unidos mantenía una cultura de calidad, cultura que hoy...
Este livro é um resumo produzido a partir da obra original. Uma crítica potente e eletrizante do movimento feminista moderno. Uma voz nova e poderosa do feminismo negro.
Eleito o livro do ano pela BBC e pela revista TIME
Apontado como um dos melhores livros de 2020 pelo Washington Post
Melhor livro de não-ficção pelo Chicago Review of Books
Com muita frequência, o foco do feminismo dominante não está na sobrevivência...
What does a good prison look like? Over eleven million people are currently locked up in prisons across the world, but does that mean that prison actually works?
Hindpal Singh Bhui, with 25 years' experience of visiting and working in prisons worldwide, argues that we need to look at who is sent there and why, to disentangle reality from ideology and myth. Introducing the competing histories of prisons and allowing the voices of prisoners, prison...
Hoje, depois de décadas de pesquisas científicas e questionamentos à indústria do fast-food, sabemos que os alimentos ultraprocessados são grandes promotores de doenças crnicas não transmissíveis, como diabetes e hipertensão, além de contribuírem para a destruição da natureza, já que se apoiam sobre monoculturas de commodities como soja, trigo, milho e cana-de-açúcar. Também sabemos que a comida de panela feita em casa com ingredientes...
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns & Fairies is an extraordinary journey into the hidden folklore and mysticism of Scotland's magical realms. Written by Reverend Robert Kirk in the late 17th century, this classic text dives into the secret lives of supernatural beings said to inhabit the Highlands-elves, fauns, fairies, and other mysterious entities that coexisted with humanity just beyond the visible world. Kirk's observations capture the beliefs,...
16) "Bist du behindert, oder was?" in Einfacher Sprache - Kinder inklusiv stärken und ableismussensib
Inklusion ist ein Menschenrecht - und doch sind wir in der Umsetzung noch weit davon entfernt. Behindert wird als Schimpfwort genutzt, Ableismus ist strukturell und prägt uns alle. In diesem Buch gehen die Autorinnen Rebecca Maskos und Mareice Kaiser der Frage nach, wie Inklusion von klein auf gelingen kann - wie wir Kinder inklusiv stärken und ableismussensibel begleiten können. Sie geben wichtige Impulse zu Inklusion und Ableismus und zeigen...
Drawing on decades of teaching and mission experience, leading missiologist Darrell Whiteman helps people in cross-cultural ministry learn how to explore and understand their social, cultural, and religious context so they can more effectively witness to people in cultures different from their own.
Inklusion ist ein Menschenrecht - und doch sind wir in der Umsetzung noch weit davon entfernt. Behindert wird als Schimpfwort genutzt, Ableismus ist strukturell und prägt uns alle. In diesem Buch gehen die Autorinnen Rebecca Maskos und Mareice Kaiser der Frage nach, wie Inklusion von klein auf gelingen kann - wie wir Kinder inklusiv stärken und ableismussensibel begleiten können. Sie geben wichtige Impulse zu Inklusion und Ableismus und zeigen...
Em sua obra, Silvia Federici estrutura sua análise a partir do processo de cercamento e privatização de terras comunais e, examinando o ambiente e as motivações que produziram as primeiras acusações de bruxarias na Europa, relaciona essa forma de violência à ordem econmica. Evidencia, enfim, que marcas desse processo foram deixadas também nos valores sociais. A partir desse debate, a autora nos mostra como as acusações e a punição de...
Throughout history, cities have risen and fallen, some leaving behind monumental legacies while others have vanished into myth. The allure of lost cities has captivated imaginations across generations, often blending history with legend. These fabled metropolises, shrouded in mystery and time, offer tantalizing glimpses into what might have beenmagnificent civilizations, advanced technologies, and vibrant cultures. Whether concealed beneath the sands...
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